Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Favorites - Feelings Edition

Happy Friday! Here are some of my favorite moments from this week.

Some of my favorite moments this week I shared yesterday. Two extra sweet things happened this week and my mommy heart is swelling!
On our nature walk I stopped to take some pictures. Normally I get complaints and I have to plead to just take one picture. This time though my big guy asked me if I would just take a picture of him and me and then gave me the biggest hug. He was hot and sweaty but I won't complain! I'll take as many hugs as he'll give me!!
While we were at the zoo this week I saw my boys holding hands - all on their own! I often ask them to hold hands while we are out and about for safety but this moment was because they wanted to.
My heart melts.

Another favorite this of mine this week is the Pope's visit to the US.
While I am not catholic my grandmother was.  I just picture her sitting on her couch watching the news coverage of his visit. She also spent her career working in D.C. so the fact that the Pope visited D.C. just makes me think she would have been even more interested. So I've watched all the buzz this week on the news thinking of her. Miss her so much.

My most favorite thing this week happened last night. My biggest guy is not very affectionate. He never has been. He just doesn't love people in his personal space. Last night as I was putting him to bed he asked if I would lay with him. Sure buddy!! I soaked in every. single. minute.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Life Lately

Seems like September is just FLYING by! Texas weather sure hasn't cooperated with giving us fall temperatures yet. :/  Hopefully we're just one cold front away from perfect fall temps!

I tried Shay's pumpkin muffins, except I made ours with chocolate cake mix. I would say the boys enjoyed them?!

On Monday we went for a nature walk. It was in the 90s. Boo. The boys were more excited about playing on the playground than the nature walk but still a fun time!

On Tuesday we had playgroup. This particular play group was hosted at someone's home. I really enjoy these types of play dates too because the kids are still playing and having fun but the mamas get to sit, relax and chat. :) Mr. big boy decided he was old enough for his first lunch date. We found these two sharing graham crackers with each other.

Wednesday was zoo day with friends! My boys love going to the zoo! We got a membership from my brother and his family for Christmas last year and it has turned out to be one of my favorite gifts! We have really gotten a ton of use out of it.
It seemed like all the animals were sleeping today but that didn't stop us from having a great time!

It's been a great week! We don't have too much planned for this weekend. I get to set around and wait for Derek's iphone to be delivered (don't even get me started) and soccer of Saturday morning. Keep your fingers crossed for that cold front for me! :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday

I'm linking up to show and tell for the first time to tell about who I'd invite to a dinner party.

When I started thinking about my list the first person that came to mind is defiantly one of my favorites!

Of course he's hysterical but also he seems so genuine. And I think this is the perfect choice because he would obviously be the life of the party so I wouldn't have to worry if everyone was having a good time.

Another one of my favorites is Bob Harper. I just love this guy! I will watch or listen to anything that he is on. He seems so genuine and real and just seems like a super fun person to be around.

If I could be best friends with this girl my life would be complete. ;) I've listened to "Wake up with Taylor" on sirius radio for almost 10 years! When I was working she made my drive to work enjoyable. We have nothing in common, but I don't think she would let that get in the way of becoming BFFs. :)

So when I was thinking of my list I thought I might want it to be well rounded. Maybe I needed someone who was wise and full of wisdom. Of course I thought of religious leaders, Oprah, politicians. Out of all of those type of people this guy is on top.

How doesn't love Tim Gunn??!!  No one. When I grow up I hope I'm half as sophisticated as he is.

But if wishes really could come true I'd have my grandma there. We lost my grandma almost 4 years ago to cancer. I miss her so much. She was such a special grandma - I was so so lucky. And if I could invite her I wouldn't want anyone else there no matter how fun :)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Fall Activities

Don't look outside (especially if you live in a climate like I do where it's still feeling like summer). It's September and Labor Day has come and gone - it's fall.
One of the things I like to do for the different seasons and holidays is to work on educational activities and crafts with the boys here at home. As a former teacher let me tell you that the time you spend with your child on learning activities (reading books, games, helping with homework etc...) is invaluable.  Plus you'll have extra cute fall decor around your house! Win Win! :)

I don't do "school" all day. With our schedule it works out best to do these extra activities in the afternoon between nap time and dinner time. Those also happen to be our "bewitching hours" {can I get an amen! moms?! What is with these kiddos and THAT time of day?} so it's nice to have something for them to be busy with.

Listen. I know you have pinterest. There are thousands of adorable ideas out there. I'm not saying these ideas are the best. But what they are is easy. Are you likely to work on activities with your child if there is a lot of prep involved? Me either. These ideas have almost no prep and are still super fun for kids! I did most of these activities in my classroom when I was teaching so I know they are engaging.

Take a nature walk! Have your babies see what fall looks like and feels like. This is a great time to really boost their vocabulary. Talk with them about what they see, feel, hear. What changes do they see in the plants? Take your camera with you and go on a treasure hunt. Decide before you leave the house what things you can look for on your hunt and take pictures as you find them. And don't forget to collect fall leaves!  

I like to have a stack of books for the season/holiday set out separate from our everyday books. I put mine in a bucket in their room.
This way any time the boys want to hear a story or before bed these books are easily accessible. Here are some of our favorites:

Use can use these leaf cut-outs in a million different ways. I bought a package of these at my local teacher store for $3.
Making words is a favorite activity of mine. You would put one letter on each leaf for your word. Younger kids can spell their names and older kids can spell word wall or spelling words from school.

I like to use these smaller leaf cutouts for math activities. Again so many ways you can use these.
* Make Patterns

* Younger kids - write a number on one leaf and draw that many dots on another and have kids match. Older kids - Match math equations on one leaf and answers on another.

* Write numbers on the leaves and have kids put them in order.

* Use the candy corn to measure different items (a pencil, crayon, book, toy, food...). This is a great activity to talk about math as well. Before you start have your kids talk about how many candy corns they estimate they will need to measure their object. After they measure a few objects have your child compare their measurements. Which one was longest? Shortest? Older kids can tell you how many more or how many less candy corns between two objects. The best part? Eating the candy corn when you're done! :)

There are so many cute little crafts out there. I'll just throw out a few I thought were cute, relatively easy and be the perfect fall touch in your home! And don't forget about those leaves you picked up on your nature walk. They would make the perfect collage or make your own leaf man!
I hope some of these ideas are useful to you and your kiddos. Fall is such a special time - enjoy!!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's Fri-YAY! Here a few favorite things from our week. 

We had a very successful first day of school! I was really dreading it - the unknown. How would it be for him? Would he be scared or sad? Would little brothers be ok with him "missing"? But everything is going great for everyone and I'm so happy about it! I really wanted school to be something positive for L and it's seems like it will be exactly that! 

Already made a new friend :)

My most favorite thing - we've started the -ber months!!! My most favorite time of the year! Everything about September 1 - the new year is wonderful. I'm so glad we're here again!

I was able to capture on of my favorite moments this week. 
Look at all three of my boys playing together. All. the. feels. My heart is mush ;)

1st Day of School

We made it! (Who are we kidding?? I made it!) We had a very successful first day of school. There were no tears from L and I held it together until I walked out of his class. And even then only teared up a little. :)

We started the morning with a special first day of school breakfast. Liam picked donuts so that is what we had! I added in some yogurt and milk so his breakfast had some nutritional value.

1 out of 2 looking is good enough, right?!
Little brother got to join in the special breakfast too :)

 After breakfast it was time to get ready and take the 1st day of school pictures.

Then we were off to school! We were a few minutes early (Mark that on the calendar - 'cause that's not happening again!) so time for more photos but with mommy and daddy this time!

When we got in the classroom we left him with smiles - and there were smiles when I picked him up too. Nothing else can make this mommy heart happier!